We are starting Walt. Why?

Abhishek Anand
7 min readJun 3, 2017


The beginning of something amazing. (img source)

Over the past couple of years, there have been a number of fin-tech companies that have sprung up. Additionally, there have been a few that were operating in a slightly different space, and then pivoted to this domain.

For many, the market may look crowded. And yet, we started to get into this market. The question you may obviously ask is Why?

Multiple reasons. I can tell you of the fact that this has been a space we are really passionate about, we know the intricacies of this space and what not. But leave all that aside. If I had to pick one reason why we are starting Walt, it would be this:

Personal finances (investments in particular) are complicated. And they shouldn’t be.

How many of us really knows where we have our money invested? Why we invested it there? And how that money grows with time? (And no, I am not talking about you reading it out from your portfolio; anyone can do that.)

Did you choose where you would be investing your money, or did you simply invest it where your money manager or the ‘guy’ told you to? If it’s the latter, don’t you think that being a salesman, he would try to sell the product where he gets the best incentives? Are you sure his best interests are perfectly aligned with yours?

But. What choice did you have, right? The whole thing looks too complicated. You look at mutual funds, and the sheer number of mutual funds that exist today are mind-boggling. Where would you invest? Fixed deposits always seem like a safe bet, don’t they? Yes. But truth be told, you aren’t making as much money on fixed deposit as you could have had. And even there, you are presented with a number of options. Just look at the number of options I was presented with when I tried to open a new FD.

And this is on a mobile app. An interface that is supposed to be simplistic, minified, intuitive etc. And I am not even going into the fact that I haven’t yet shown you what would have happened if I had checked out the interest rates, pre-mature penalty rates etc. Let’s just say — it doesn’t look pretty.

That’s insane!

It’s your money. You are giving your money to the bank. You are not asking for money back. Why can’t they have a process that doesn’t give you a headache?

No wonder most of the investments that happen today happen over the counter, with the aid of a bank official, a money manager, or a middle man. Who could take time and stress out to understand the complexities!

And that is the problem we are going to solve.

We are building Walt — an intelligent investment platform, that suggests you of where you should be investing your money based on your expectations and not because of some ulterior motives. Walt works uniquely for every single customer, because its operations get tailored by what the investment and/or financial objective of each customer is.

Think of Walt as your personal 1–1 investment manager — one that ALWAYS works with your best interests at heart.


Good catch. But Walt will take care of that as well.

The easiest and simplest way to explain how Walt operates would be to take the example of one of the apps you use every day — Google Maps.

You have seen how Google maps shows you one route only — the most optimised one? There would be multiple routes to your destination, and you would be free to select a different route and what not, but at the very beginning, Google will show you the most optimised route. Why? Because it understands your preferences — whether it is the shortest distance or the shortest time, or even the cheapest travel.

What’s more! If you decide to go off the recommended route at any time, Maps will adjust according to YOUR choice. It will immediately change to start displaying the most optimised route from that point to your destination.

Neat, isn’t it? Broadly speaking, that’s how Walt would be operating. It would always cherry pick its suggestions for the best financial instruments for you — based on your preferences, goals, objectives, risk appetite etc. Whatever you can think of, Walt would adapt to those. That’s what makes it the best financial assistant you can think of, and the most intuitive and simplest to use as well.


Let’s talk about the money part now. After all, that’s what investments are all about. If we can’t help you grow your investments, then we have failed — utterly and miserably. So, we do have all the necessary checks and balances in place.

With Walt, you’ll be having a number of different routes to invest your money:

  • BW (Brother Walt)

The most optimised one. The one we talked about before.

Keep calm and have faith in Brother Walt.

  • TNW (The Nerdy Way)

You would be shown a simplistic, yet expansive view of how people invest their money to grow their portfolio. And you’ll have the option to simply emulate that behavior for your own portfolio.

It’s not an exam. Cheating is not a crime! :-p

We kid, of course. It is not cheating. It is a completely secure, anonymous, research oriented route for you to take.

After all, all is fair in matters of money!

  • TPC (The Pro Code)

Expert at investments? Gain complete control of your portfolio. Invest your money the way you want to, wherever you want to.


  1. Irrespective of which route you take, Walt will always be by your side acting as an advisor, calling out potential risks in advance (just the way you see the red line indicating traffic blockage in your Google maps). There are countless more ways in which Walt can help you out.
  2. Your portfolio need not be one of these routes. You can actually divide and diversify your investment portfolio by allocating different amounts to be invested in different ways. You want brother walt to handle 30% of your investment, 40% to follow the advanced research, and handle the rest 30% yourself? Sure. Go right ahead.


We ARE actually passionate about this space, and have been following it quite closely. So much so that a lot of our research methodology and algorithms have been based on studies and research done by the most brilliant mathematical and economic minds out there.

To give you an example, some parts of Brother Walt’s algorithm has been based on the Nobel prize winning research by Eugene F. Fama, Robert J. Shiller and Lars Peter Hansen (they shared the award in 1993). Some other parts of the algorithm have been closely based on the the works of another Nobel prize laureate — William Sharpe (who won the prestigious award in 1990).

Want to read more on how we are using the researches? Links at the bottom of the page


There are no transactional charges, or charges for managing the portfolio. Walt would be available for a small monthly fee — which would be less than the cost of ONE pizza. If, at any time, during the first 3 months, you are dissatisfied with the value Walt is adding to your financials, we would refund the whole amount — no questions asked.


We are trying to launch Walt later this year — for a first batch of 10,000. And as a part of our launch, we will be offering the complete services of Walt — for a full 12 months — at a special fee of Rs. 149.

And the no questions asked refund policy is applicable here as well.


#1. Join the waiting list here#2. Stay tuned via our facebook page#3. Once we are closer to the launch, we will inform you of the next steps.

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Abhishek Anand

Helping businesses grow 10x faster, and scale efficiently. Top Writer — Quora, Medium. Drop in a line if you’d like help with yours. mail@abyshake.com