An Indian wedding — Emo. much.

Since April 9, when I started writing on Medium, this has been the first time when I have been inactive for a couple of days at a time. Here is why…

Abhishek Anand
2 min readJun 18, 2017
A reference image

I started writing with one promise to self — I will write every day, come what may. But there are some things (very few, sure… but they do exist) that come before promises you make to anyone — even yourself.

The marriage of your kid sister is one of those things.

I have been at my parents’ for little longer than a week. My sister is getting married today. And for those of you unfamiliar with an Indian wedding, things can get a little bit too crazy… a little bit too fun… and a little bit too chaotic. The past few days have been one function followed by the next, and it all has been leading up to today. There will be few more small traditional functions over the next couple of days but today is the big day. The big fat Indian wedding. 😆

I will be back to the land of living, and my boring self in another three days, but tonight I let my hair down and enjoy every single second of what promises to be an exciting new chapter in my baby sister’s life.

My sister has been one constant source of happiness, inspiration, and unconditional love and support in my life. Whatever I have wanted to do in life, irrespective of whether she can fully grasp the implications or not, she has always believed in me.

They do grow up so fast. It’s not an easy thing to witness and experience. 😕

Will upload some pics as an update to this story later this week. For now, here is one — from a couple of days back!

Take some time out for the things that matter in life. Your parents’ and your baby sister’s happiness — that’s one of the biggies. Tonight I partaaayyy!!

That’s it for today. See you tomorrow.




Abhishek Anand

Helping businesses grow 10x faster, and scale efficiently. Top Writer — Quora, Medium. Drop in a line if you’d like help with yours.